AFG supports various training institutes to provide the people in your organisation with the right knowledge and skills. Together, we work on educational renewal and increasing training capacity. We have several basic training courses that are fully adaptable to your needs. Find out how we can support your training institute.
A temporary shortage of instructors has led to a shortage of capacity. Increasing this capacity is very important for training institutes.
Temporary shortages of instructors regularly create a need to increase training capacity. By deploying fast and flexible AFG instruction teams, you will increase your training capacity.

There is a great need for educational renewal because the world is changing faster than ever. AFG has the most up-to-date knowledge because we employ international experts, both military and civilian. Our careful recruitment and selection process ensures we provide the best instructors who meet your quality requirements. This way, you are assured of an up-to-date training programme.
AFG supports your organisation by offering flexible and pragmatic high-quality training courses at short notice. AFG has several years of experience in supporting various government organisations with various training courses. AFG makes use of a pool of experts who are offered as independent instructional teams specifically for the duration of the course. This way, maximum support is offered to various training institutes.
Together on the frontline of educational renewal
Training capacity and innovation
What is the value of AFG for an Operational Unit? In short, a training programme that, through its high degree of flexibility and customisation, seamlessly fits in with high quality requirements and training needs. This creates:
- Increased operational deployability by training participants in the required knowledge and skills. We deliver the number of Certificates of Competence (BC codes) needed at short notice.
- Increased training capacity. Because we work flexibly with a large group of experts, we can deliver the required training capacity at short notice.
- Training innovation through the application of the latest global knowledge and expertise. We work on sustainable training improvement by transferring as much knowledge as possible and working closely with you.
Your organisation has certain quality requirements and conditions. We identify these and align our training programmes as closely as possible with these requirements and conditions. That is why we are a member of the NRTO & CRKBO, and our instructors have extensive experience within their field of expertise. This ensures an efficient and effective work process in which we make the best product together, which is how we achieve the high-quality training courses we offer:
- 13th Light Brigade (13 Lichte Brigade)
- 43rd Mechanised Brigade (43 Gemechaniseerde Brigade)
- 11th Airmobile Brigade (11 LuchtmobieleBrigade)
- Netherlands Marine Corps (Korps Mariniers)
- Ministry of Defence Diving School (De Defensie Duikschool, DOS)
- Marine Training Institute (Marinier Opleidingscentrum, MOC)
- Royal Netherlands Marechaussee (KoninklijkeMarechaussee – HRB)
- Ministry of Defence Medical Education and Training
- Institute (Defensie Gezondheidszorg Opleidings- en Trainingscentrum, DGOTC)
- Police Surveillance Unit (Bewakingseensheden Politie)
- Police Support Group (Ondersteuningsgroepen Politie)
- Safety Region Groningen
We are proud to share our results of all completed training courses for 2018 and 2019:
Success rate
Participant reviews
We work according to a standard procedure based on the Plan, Do, Check, Act model.
We start a collaboration by making an inventory of the needs. After this, we draw up a training programme that seamlessly fits in with the training of the internal instructor. The implementation takes place decentralised and/or in mission areas.
We evaluate and improve the training through several pilots, and finally we transfer as much of the knowledge as possible to the Operational Unit and Instructor.

Why AFG?
- AFG have access to in-depth knowledge in the field of educating and training military and police officers. The powerful combination of military and civilian experts ensures the best learning experience for your personnel.
- Training is on location and in mission areas, which gives us great flexibility and allows us to act quickly.
- International team where both Dutch and foreign experts with a similar position (counterpart) prepare participants optimally for global practices.
- Established in the Netherlands, looking after Dutch stakeholders, with knowledge of local laws and regulations, and protecting security-sensitive information.
- NRTO and CRKBO quality certification.